Kamara |cares about you قلبها عليك

Kamara Cake, a beloved brand in Egypt, sought to reinforce its position in the market by launching a heartwarming and relatable TV campaign. The initiative, titled “Cares About You,” aimed to highlight the comforting and dependable nature of Kamara’s sponge cake filled with cream or chocolate. By presenting the cake as a reliable companion during life’s challenging moments, the campaign endeared itself to consumers, went viral on social media, and strengthened Kamara’s brand presence.

  1. Creative Concept: Positioned Kamara Cake as a comforting presence in difficult times, highlighting its dependability and emotional support.
  2. TV Commercial: Showcased various scenarios where individuals found solace in Kamara Cake during challenges, ending with the tagline, “Kamara Cake – Cares About You.”
  3. Tagline: Reinforced the message of reliability and support with “Kamara Cake – Cares About You.”
  4. Social Media Campaign: Shared TV ad clips and additional content on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Promoted the hashtag #KamaraCares to encourage user engagement.
  5. User-Generated Content: Invited consumers to share personal stories of comfort with Kamara Cake, featuring the best stories on social media to build community.
  6. Influencer Collaborations: Partnered with influencers to amplify the campaign’s reach and share authentic experiences with Kamara Cake.

Happy Sweet



-Brand Emotion: Build an emotional connection with consumers, showing Kamara Cake as a reliable and comforting presence. -Awareness: Increase brand awareness and visibility in the Egyptian market. -Engagement: Encourage social media interactions and shares. -Sales: Boost product trial and sales.


B+ , B, C+ Kids , teenage


360 campaign Creative Digital Digital Copy OOH Photography Social Media TV & Production TVC

TV Creative , TV Campaign, OOH, Photography







Viral Impact: The relatable and emotional nature of the campaign struck a chord with viewers, leading to widespread sharing on social media. The hashtag #KamaraCares trended, significantly increasing the campaign's visibility. High Engagement: The campaign saw substantial user engagement, with numerous stories and posts about how Kamara Cake provided comfort. The user-generated content initiative boosted interaction and community-building. Brand Recognition: Surveys indicated a significant increase in brand recall and positive sentiment, with consumers associating Kamara Cake with emotional support and reliability. Sales Growth: Retailers reported a notable increase in sales of Kamara Cake, driven by the campaign’s emotional resonance and visibility. Positive PR: The campaign generated positive media coverage, highlighting Kamara’s innovative and heartwarming approach to marketing.


30+ Million

Social Media Results

6+ Million