LACTEL | Be on your nature | خليك علي طبيعتك

LACTEL Milk & Yogurt TV Campaign – “Be on Your Nature”


With a focus on health and authenticity, LACTEL aimed to educate and engage the Egyptian market through their “Be on Your Nature” campaign. This initiative was designed to highlight the often deceptive nature of appearances, stressing that not all products are created equal and emphasizing the health benefits of LACTEL’s milk and yogurt. The campaign used humor to relay its message, proving to be not only effective but also viral on social media.


The core of the campaign revolved around the message that appearances can be deceiving and that consumers should be discerning when it comes to the products they choose for their health. LACTEL employed a comedic approach, using humor to make the message both engaging and memorable.


  1. Creative Concept: The campaign used a series of comedic sketches where everyday scenarios depicted individuals being deceived by appearances, only to later realize their mistake. These scenarios were humorously exaggerated to drive home the point that just like appearances can deceive, so can the quality of products.
  2. TV Commercials: Multiple TV ads were produced, each portraying different humorous situations. For example, one ad might show a person mistaking a wax fruit for a real one and attempting to eat it, drawing a parallel to how some dairy products can be misleading in their health claims.
  3. Tagline: Each ad ended with the slogan, “Be on Your Nature,” urging viewers to choose LACTEL for its authentic and quality assurances.
  4. Social Media Campaign: The TV commercials were shared across social media platforms, where they quickly went viral. LACTEL encouraged user participation by asking followers to share their personal stories and experiences of being deceived by appearances using the hashtag #BeOnYourNature.
  5. Influencer Collaborations: LACTEL partnered with popular Egyptian influencers to spread the message further. These influencers shared their own comedic experiences and endorsed LACTEL products, lending credibility and reach to the campaign.Execution:
    1. Creative Concept: The campaign used a series of comedic sketches where everyday scenarios depicted individuals being deceived by appearances, only to later realize their mistake. These scenarios were humorously exaggerated to drive home the point that just like appearances can deceive, so can the quality of products.
    2. TV Commercials: Multiple TV ads were produced, each portraying different humorous situations. For example, one ad might show a person mistaking a wax fruit for a real one and attempting to eat it, drawing a parallel to how some dairy products can be misleading in their health claims.
    3. Tagline: Each ad ended with the slogan, “Be on Your Nature,” urging viewers to choose LACTEL for its authentic and quality assurances.
    4. Social Media Campaign: The TV commercials were shared across social media platforms, where they quickly went viral. LACTEL encouraged user participation by asking followers to share their personal stories and experiences of being deceived by appearances using the hashtag #BeOnYourNature.
    5. Influencer Collaborations: LACTEL partnered with popular Egyptian influencers to spread the message further. These influencers shared their own comedic experiences and endorsed LACTEL products, lending credibility and reach to the campaign.




- Awareness: Increase brand and product awareness in the Egyptian market. - Engagement: Foster social media interactions and create a buzz around LACTEL products. - Education: Inform consumers about the potential health risks of deceptive products and the benefits of choosing LACTEL. -Trust Building: Strengthen brand trust by highlighting LACTEL’s commitment to authenticity and quality.


THE AUDIENCE A, B+ , B, C+ House wives, Young adults house wives, Youth, Teenage


360 campaign Creative Digital Copy Social Media TV & Production TVC

Strategy: The core of the campaign revolved around the message that appearances can be deceiving and that consumers should be discerning when it comes to the products they choose for their health. LACTEL employed a comedic approach, using humor to make the message both engaging and memorable.

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The "Be on Your Nature" campaign successfully leveraged humor and relatable scenarios to communicate a critical message about health and authenticity. By addressing a common consumer pain point in an engaging way, LACTEL not only reinforced its positioning as a trustworthy and high-quality brand but also resonated deeply with its target audience in Egypt. The campaign's success on television and social media underscores the effectiveness of a cohesive, cross-platform strategy that combines traditional media with contemporary digital engagement.

TV Views

+ 70 Million

Social Media Platforms Views

+50 Million